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Scientists have revealed why men find the female b reast very irresistible even after growing into adulthood.

Men who have s*x with women seem to have a certain fascination with women’s b reasts. Perhaps that is why the female chest is ever on display everywhere — from restaurants to nudist magazines, to beer or car advertisements.

Writing in peer-reviewed journal, The Psychology of Sex, Dr. Justin Lehmiller, suggests that there is an evolutionary basis for male’s fascination by female b reasts.

Tracing it back to human evolution, Lehmiller proposes that female b reasts only became a significant factor in attraction when human beings started walking upright.

Before we started walking on two legs, the biggest source of visual excitement for men was the female buttocks, he proffers. 
“However, when we stood up, the buttocks were no longer as prominently displayed. As a result, the thought is that the b reasts became bigger and more pendulous in order to mimic the visual appeal of the buttocks,” he says.

Another theory has it that men had developed a preference for b reasts because stimulating them enhances bonding with a female partner.

“The basic idea is that women find b reast and nipple stimulation to be sexually pleasurable. In fact, some women find nipple stimulation so pleasurable that it can lead to orgasm in and of itself,” the researcher claims.

He adds that b reast stimulation causes the release of oxytocin in the brain — that is the hormone that facilitates bonding between humans. Research has shown that it plays a role in the bonding that occurs between mother and child during b reastfeeding, as well as between romantic partners who have sexual contact.

Some scientists also believe that men have developed an attraction to b reasts precisely because b reast and nipple stimulation tap into this neurochemical bonding system that can bring couples closer.

Other theories also aver that b reasts may be desired because they indicate sexual maturity and fertility status.

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