

News reaching our deck  has revealed a deadly virus  that kills faster than AIDS.
According to experts, that it is disheartening that one can easily contact such virus without knowing.

The virus identified as S*xuperbug was first discovered in a renown medical facility in Pretoria in South Africa.
However, doctors have come up with an intensive analysis and are working frantically to sensitize the entire public on how the deadly s*xsuperbug virus travels at such an unimaginable speed that it can burst through the protective layer of latex used during copulation.
Medical experts also noted that the deadly virus has the capacity of transmitting it’s component of antigen from an infected partner to an uninfected one within seconds . Other stunning revelations on the sexsuperbug simplifies it’s destructive mechanism to life, faster than HIV/AIDS when the human body is affected after s*xual intercourse with a s*xsuperbug sufferer/victim.
Most cases have been reported to be malignant. The conspicuous mutilation of the skin, as well as dreadful and disgusting sporadic growth and the rapid decline of its texture and moisture are few of other observation features.
Please beware because this might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the virus is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly. Getting infected from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days. This is very dangerous.
It is always advisable for people to practice safe s*x, like always.
Anyone beginning a new relationship should get tested along with their partner.

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