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Details about the life of the young man who detonated a fatal bomb at a concert in Manchester, has emerged.
Salman Abedi 
Salman Abedi, the man who bombed a Manchester concert, was recently kicked out of a mosque after trying to sneak into the library overnight, it has been revealed.
According to Sky News, Abdullah Muhsin Norris, the 70-year-old chairman of Salaam Community Centre in Moss Side, said that he came to blows with bomber Salman Abedi one evening two months ago.
Abedi, he said, had tried to hide in the mosque library to read religious books overnight.
‘I am very unhappy knowing that he has come here and prayed here, and seeing him reading the Koran and so on, and the next minute you hear he blew up and 22 people are killed,’ Norris told the broadcaster.
‘It is very hard to believe someone could do that, but he has done it.’
He described Abedi as ‘very easy to upset’, as he recalled asking him to leave the mosque.
‘I was very annoyed with him,’ Norris continued. ‘He said don’t treat me like a child.’
The chairman explained that he has enacted a ban on politics in the mosque, and has had to report people for potential extremism in the past.
He said: ‘I am saddened at what has happened – I have grandchildren that could have gone there, any one of my kids could have gone there. I have children.
‘If anyone is gong to have that type of conversation then I will squash it.
‘I don’t think you can ever do enough, you have to keep trying.’

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