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Diabetes is a condition manifested by high blood sugar levels. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.  The first one is a condition where immune cells destroy the cells responsible for the production of insulin and the latter is characterized by decreased production of insulin or body`s inability to react to insulin.
Some people have blood sugar levels that are higher than the normal range, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. This condition is known as pre-diabetes and it increases the risk of developing diabetes over time.
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The major symptoms of diabetes include blurred vision, fatigue, feeling very thirsty, weight loss, cuts or wounds that take time to heal, urinating more frequently, itching around the penis or vagina, and loss of muscle bulk.

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Mounting evidence shows that making certain dietary changes can prevent or reverse the condition.

Hence, more and more people swap drugs for lifestyle changes and natural remedies to treat this condition.  While the disease itself is considered incurable, the natural remedy presented in this article helps control insulin levels and keep the condition under control. It`s time tested and many people swear by its effectiveness. Check it out!
Mineral water
A leek, with
Wash the leek thoroughly and put it in a bowl
Pour the mineral water over the leek, making sure it`s completely covered
Leave the mixture for 24 hours before straining it
Sip the beverage during the day
Given that prevention is always better than the cure, as it prevents the uneasiness and costs of becoming sick. To cut a long story short, here are a few tips on how to prevent diabetes:
1. Drink Plenty of Water
Water promotes proper blood circulation and helps regulate blood sugar levels naturally.
2. Eat a Healthy Diet
Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy doesn’t mean giving up your favorite, tasty foods. You simply have to limit your fat and carbohydrates intake as well as to avoid heavy meals and pay attention to the size of your portions.
3. Eat Regularly
Eating at regular intervals is of utmost importance, as it helps regulate your glucose levels as well as your weight.  Specifically, eating frequently keeps the metabolism running smoothly, helps you to not feel hungry before the next meal, and it maintains your blood sugar.
4. Exercise
Unfortunately, most people have a tight schedule these days, and find it hard to find the time to exercise.  However, as little as half an hour of exercise daily is enough to keep your sugar levels in check and prevent the development of diabetes.   Exercise lowers your risk for diabetes by helping the food digest and break down into a sugar your body can use instead of storing it.
5. Lose Weight
As more and more studies point out that there is a strong link between being overweight and diabetes, dropping a few pounds is a good way to keep your glucose levels in check. In overweight individuals, the pancreas produces more glucose, which eventually leads to diabete

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