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We all have some habits that are more or less harmful to our health. One of the most common bad habit is biting nails as a result of stress and anxiety.

Similarly to bite nails, people often bite the skin around the nails – may be known, those annoying little specks that peel around the nail, which hurt a lot.
This habit is often unconscious, bits of skin are broken, nibble and scratch with the claw of the next finger because of inner turmoil, anxiety and stress.

However, this bad habit can be dangerous and must learn how to get rid of it.

The area around the nail has bacteria that enter through the mouth.

But that’s not all: with peeling of the top layer of skin, open crossings bacteria can easily penetrate tissue and cause infections in that area.

What and how

much damage has been done by this bad habit?

This habit  actually has name.  it  is know as dermatillomania .Allegedly, twoofseven people  suffer  from  this condition''
which   can  cause irreparable damage to  the nerves,  as well  as permanent damage to  the nail.

if you suffer    of  dermataillomania  you must   get rid   of it.  visit your  doctor  who  will send you to a psychiatrist

who will  allow  you  to get rid of stress  and  this bad habit with  a special treatment .

it  can  also  helo and  other  alternative medicines, as  coverage  of  the area  with some creams other preparations,even coating  with colorless  nail  polish can help

you can try coating with mustard . too

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